Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chapter ~ Seven (sorry it took so long!!)

Chapter ~ Seven

             A maze of death


I had no idea where we were. I really didn’t.
We had been following Sav, who dashed down a long flight of stairs and got swallowed up into darkness. I had used my light Power to see by, but as soon as I did, I wish I hadn’t.
The whole place was made out of bones.

We tried to find Savrin again, but we had no idea where he went! The Catacombs broke off in several different places.
Lexi suddenly screamed and she too disappeared.
We started running. To no where.
It was Kigo that left next, then Kylun’s hand was ripped right out of mine, and soon enough it was just me.
I could hear someone behind me and I knew it wasn’t anyone from my gang. So I ran for it.
That’s when I called Quorra.
I knew she would be catching up with us and I couldn’t let her get caught too.

In middle of the phone call was when I was jumped. I screamed when I suddenly felt hands on me. I went into over mode and struck out punches where I could.
The man I was fighting was good. He blocked most of my punches. But it was dark, and it was hard to see where he was exactly.
We stood there fighting for several minutes, before he got a grip on my neck and started to squeeze. I wove my arm in and out through his and gave it a twist. Knocking his grip on my throat. He swung forward and I gripped his shoulder, pulling him over my knee, I rammed his stomach several times. Then I flung him into the wall.
[violent girl isn’t she?]
He stumbled around, then came back and hit me in the head with what felt like the butt of a sword.
I fell to the ground and cried out.
I could hear other commotion going on, and then I heard him talking into my cell phone.
He hung it up and I watched as he crushed it with the heel of his boot.
He pulled me up by my shirt and lifted me off the ground.
I was able to see his face for the first time.
He was definitely from The Fallen. I just didn’t recognize him from my short time there.
“You caused me a lot of trouble.” He muttered. Then I felt something in my stomach and I was suddenly over come by pain and spasms. He tossed me back on the ground and the lights went out.

When I woke up I found that my hands were shackled above my head, and it seemed like we were still in the dark corridors of the Catacombs.
I looked around and saw that there were torches lit along the wall. Which just made the bones lying on the floor, all that more noticeable.
I shook my head to get the dizziness and ringing to stop.
“She’s awake.” I heard someone say.
I looked up and nearly screamed. Willa.
“Ah. Good.” I looked past her as she walked back in that sassy way of hers. Holly molly. Not him again!
“I suspect you didn’t think you’d see me again, huh?”
A man knelt down only inches from me. Coming to eye level, I was met face to face with a ghost.
“Hello Captain.” I said through gritted teeth. “Smell a little like ashes. Is that a new trend?” I vexed.
Which earned me a slap on the cheek.
“Don’t touch her.” Kylun growled from somewhere to my left.
“Don’t tell me what to do boy.” He snapped back. He stood up and looked at all of us.
I found that Kigo and Lexi were on my immediate left and right, Sav was after Kigo, and Kylun after Lexi.
“Look at you all. Ha. Haven’t changed a bit. Still running off to save some damsel in distress. Well, you won’t be saving this one.” He moved away and we all gasped as we found Venila lying on the floor.
“You hardly can keep yourselves alive. See that’s what I don’t get.” He started to pace in front of us all. “You think your so good! That you just have to save everybody who happens to need help. When obviously,” He spread out his arms to emphasize. “You can’t even take care of yourselves! Well we’re going to fix that aren’t we my sweet?” He asked, turning to Willa. She crossed her arms and shifted her weight. Giving him a curt nod, but with her cold eyes on us.
“We’ll see just how brave, and how good you really are. When you’re on your own.” Suddenly four doors opened in between all of us. I peered into one and just saw darkness.
“There are miles, and miles of Catacombs under Ulrikima. They connect everything. It’s easy for one to get lost down here. Now, there are parts of it that lead up to the surface. Those tunnels are all pointing north.” He pointed north. Where was he going with this? “Now, I wonder, how far you can get through this maze of tunnels, with out dying.” He said turning to look at each of us in turn.
“But we’re not cruel. We wouldn’t send you out there with nothing. No, here are supplies. Get them while they last.” He waved a hand, and another door opened, a long with our shackles, causing all of us to fall on our hands to catch ourselves.
I looked up and saw that the new door held tons and tons of supplies. But they were all guarded by vicious dogs on leashes.
The Captain laughed at our surprised looks.
“Oh and one more thing. We’ll be watching.” He said. More people suddenly came up and lined the room. The Captain and Willa left with a man carrying the unconscious Venila on his shoulders, but we were quickly preoccupied with the dogs that were now running strait for us with foamy mouths, and sharp teeth.
Creator help us!!
I quickly summoned Takara and rose to my feet.
I sensed the others rise from the ground, and we dove for the dogs.
But soon it wasn’t just the dogs we were fighting.
The other members had jumped in as well.

Kigo, Sav, Lexi and I went in head first, pulling our weapons out, we were covered by Kylun’s ice shards.
I cut down a dog in one slash, and quickly turned to a bigger problem.
My sword clashed with the metal of gun barrels crossed in front of my opponent.
I met his icy gaze and pushed against him. We spun around each other, and when my back was turned for just one second, I heard gunshots.
I spun around instinctively, pulling up my armor. Trying to figure out who he had aimed for. I found that he had aimed for me.
I felt two bullets hit my stomach.
I was thrown backwards, but besides the shock, I was fine.
I gasped when something jolted inside me. I placed a hand on my stomach and felt something move.
I quickly looked up and found Kylun fighting right next to me.
He spun Shiro above his head, then struck down with a yell, knocking the guy who had just shot me, senseless.
He caught me watching him, he glanced down and saw me clutching my stomach.
He gave me a questioning look. It was easy to forget that my body wasn’t my own anymore.

“Your going to have to be more careful.” Kylun warned, coming up next to me.
I nodded in agreement.
“You stay out of the battles from now on.” He ordered.
I turned to him with a slacked jaw. But his face was set. Oh dear.
“How about I stay out of direct combat, and instead I’ll use my Powers to cover for everyone else?” I improvised.
He nodded, and we quickly turned back to the fight... only there wasn’t one.
Lexi had just cut down the last person with her throwing knives.
The three of them then turned to us.
“You done yet?” Kigo asked in a bored tone.
I pointed Takara at him, and a wind smacked his face.
“Your just jealous.” Lexi said with a smug grin. We all moved over to the supply stack.
“Are you kidding?” Kigo asked. “I am anything but jealous! I feel sorry for Kylun, actually. I’d hate to have to constantly look out for her.” He said, pointing an accusing finger at me. “Little kid, always getting her nose into trouble, can’t help but jump into every fight!”
“I do not!” I protested. Everybody shot me a look. “Do I?”
Everyone burst out laughing.
Kylun came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach.
“Yes. Yes you do.” He stated through all the laughing.
I was about to slap him, when the baby moved again.
“Whoa!” He cried, jumping away in shock.
It was my turn to laugh.
“It’s not going to hurt you.” I said with a grin. Kylun looked like someone one had just slapped him across the face then handed him a thousand creds.
“Did she move?” Lexi asked. I nodded at her with a big smile. The baby moved again.
“See.” I took her hand and placed it on my stomach.
Lexi’s eyes light up and she squealed.
“That’s so weird!!” She cried, stepping away.
I laughed and nodded.
“Yes it is.” I said quietly. “Here come here Kylun. She can’t hurt you.” I said, turning around and taking his hand. I placed it on my abdomen, and watched his expression.
He still looked bewildered, yet now it was mixed in with amazement and pure joy.
[Didn’t know a boy could feel so much at one time.]
Be nice Quorra!

“Weird huh?” I asked with a crooked grin.
“You think?!” He exclaimed. We all laughed.
“But it goes just proves how amazing the Creator is!” Lexi exclaimed. I turned to her and nodded. “I mean think about it!” She continued. “There is a little itty-bitty human growing inside you!! And only He could have pulled that off!! I mean to make sure the baby gets enough food from you, and oxygen, and so on and so on! It’s just mind-boggling!!”
I smiled and nodded.
“Not to be Mr. Johnny Rain Cloud or anything, but we need to find a way out of here.” Kigo pointed out.
Right.... oh brother.

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